Crop Circles

Having first begun to appear in 1975, the crop circles were simple circles formed from mysteriously flattened cereal crops (in most cases the crops themselves remained undamaged and continued to grow, albeit at an angle!). Over the years however, they became more complex - at first two or more circles, then 5 circles in the form of a celtic cross, and even more complicated designs that are now known as "agro-glyphs".

Many explanations have been given for these crop circles ranging from the slightly plausible to the outright ridiculous! Localised tornadoes, wind gusts and plasma vortices may have accounted for some of the simple circles but these explanations do not hold up when some of the extremely complex designs are viewed. Other, supposedly serious, persons & newspapers have put forward the most incredible suggestions including an "army of hedgehogs going round and round" and two old men, Doug & Dave who have supposedly made some 300 circles a year in more than 8 countries since 1975 using a piece of wood and some string !!

The above explanations ignore the latest evidence that shows that the crops seem to have been subjected to some sort of microwave radiation that has boiled the water in the plant cells, causing these to expand and sometimes burst at the "growth nodes" causing the plants to bend, thus forming the circle or agro-glyph. Other anomalies found at crop circles are distorted magnetic fields that cause compasses to spin, strange sounds (like numerous crickets screeching) that have been recorded, and sightings of UFOs and strange lights in the area where crop circles are later found.

Crop Circle - Barbury Castle, 1991
Barbury Castle, UK, July 17, 1991 - This agro-glyph appeared in 1991 and incredibly, many of the angles that the circles form are some of the most important angles that are encoded at Cydonia. Also, the tetrahedron and circle clearly seen in this agro-glyph is thought to be basic geometry of hyperdimensional physics.

A selection of 1995 agro-glyph formations.

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